Cluttered Brain Seeks Peace

Jane Tawel
2 min readDec 2, 2021

Cluttered Brain Seeks Peace

by Jane Tawel

December 2, 2021


“My brain is so cluttered,”

she muttered.

The thoughts swirled around

and around.

And with things from the past,

and ideas that don’t last,

her thinkings could get her quite down.


There’s far too much flotsam,

and jetsam,

a-swirling and whirling inside.

But often I find there is yet some

odd notions that serve as good guides.


“So how does one think without jumble?”

She often would hear herself mumble.

How to winnow and cull,

the good guides from the dull?

The conundrum made her fumble and stumble.


To swim in the ocean of musings,

that my brain daily paddles upon,

makes a moment morose and confusing,

and then —



Jane Tawel

Still not old enough to know better. Enjoys philosophy, spirituality, poetry, books of all genres.Often torn between encouragement & self-directed chastisement.