Member-only story
Hidden God Hiding Love
Hidden God Hiding Love
By Jane Tawel
August 29, 2021
God hides.
All truth speakers know this.
All truth seekers show this,
in The Way they treat others.
We don’t know why God hides,
but it must have something to do,
with us, not God.
After all, a God who hides must love us very much.
For who can see God and live?
Love is not particularly our human forté.
And the kind of loves we mistake for Love,
perhaps the one that hovers and smothers,
in a needy insecure desire;
or love in a parent’s or lover’s missional bait and switch;
or love that demands returns on love’s investments
until a better investment comes around;
or love that claims to sacrifice,
while in reality,
it only takes and takes love unto one’s self,
in the name of charity for others;